Friday, September 29, 2006

Rockin' in the free world

I'll be living with a cinnamon girl this weekend.

Or maybe it'll be 5 of my good buddies, stinking it up in a Suburban for the weekend. Either way it'll be a blast!

This time tomorrow I am going to be in Camden, New Jersey getting prepared to listen to one of Canada's all-time great artists, Neil Young.

Headlining Farm Aid 2006 with Willie Nelson, Dave Matthews and John Mellancamp, Young is the main reason why myself, and 5 of my friends are taking the 12-hour-long road trip to New Jersey.

Only 10-minutes outside of Philadelphia, Camden is home to the Tweeter Centre where the rockin' show will take place. An amphitheatre type set-up, there is seating set up in the front, with lawn seats surrounding the outside. We'll be on the lawn.

I'm looking forward to Young playing such tunes as Powder Finger, Old Man, My,my,hey, hey, Cinnamon Girl, and Rockin' in the Free World.

Not to be out done, I'm sure the shows put on by Matthews, Mellancamp, and Nelson will be equally as entertaining and just as memorable.

So off I go, to pack, and get ready for the road trip. I will be writing a full-length feature article in the Interrobang next week about the show and I will try and post it here before publication, complete with pictures.


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