Wednesday, September 27, 2006

3rd week of work in the books

Week three is in the books.

My new job as full-time writer for the Interrobang, Fanshawe Colleges' Student newspaper, is going extremely well. This is actually my first full-time gig upon graduating from college last year, and university the year before that.

I have made the progression thus far with the Interrobang, as last year I was the part-time sports writer for the paper as I finished up my schooling in the Corporate Communication and Public Relations program.

The people at the paper must have liked my work, as they asked me to come back full-time this year as the full-time staff writer, covering not only sports but general news coverage, opinion, and entertainment.

I have kept my weekly column, Sports in Seconds, which is basically my spin on different topics in the realm of sports. This blog will be a good source to read many of my columns as I will post the majority of them on here.

Many of my other stories will be posted on here as well, mostly one's that I feel I worked very hard on, and are particularly proud of.

I'm very proud to be writing full-time, I get the sense of accomplishment each week knowing that I put everything I have into each article I write, and to see the finished product printed in the paper, I find that very satisfying.


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